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Monday - Friday 08:00 - 20:00

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

+ 0800 2466 7921


34th Avenue

New York, W2 3XE

Welcome to Interstate Electrical Services Corporation

Call Us 855.500.4372



Operations Center & Prefabrication

The 100,000-square-foot Operations Center is the cornerstone of Interstate’s lean construction strategy and industry leading prefabrication. This UL certificated Operations Center serves as a full-service prefabrication shop for offsite electrical component assembly. UL certification and targeted material delivery ensures consistent quality and reduces site footprint and packaging waste.

In-house project coordinators and detailers work through every phase of a project, turning coordinated construction drawings into actionable plans for material assembly, testing, and just-in-time point of installation delivery of the finished ready-to-install electrical components & systems.

In addition, the detailing team verifies locations and counts for any pre-built units to be used during construction, such as temporary power panels, in-wall rough receptacles and switches, residential and commercial power panels, interior and exterior light fixtures, pre-cut pipe and conduit bent to exact specifications based on the 3D coordinated drawings.