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Monday - Friday 08:00 - 20:00

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

+ 0800 2466 7921


34th Avenue

New York, W2 3XE

Welcome to Interstate Electrical Services Corporation

Call Us 855.500.4372


Design Build & Assist

Design-Assist is a set of services, project management functions, and communication protocols that provides significant value/benefit to both General Contractor and Project Owner that can:

  • Streamline the entire construction process, from start to finish.
  • Control costs and meet aggressive schedule targets across the scope of the project.
  • Improve cross functional collaboration during all phases of the construction project.
  • Effectively leverage institutional knowledge to ensure that the completed building functionally meets all the owner’s needs both articulated and unrealized.
  • Simplify the process of installing electrical components and systems.

Interstate’s suite of Design-Assist services includes:

  • In-house Electrical Engineering in a full design-build role or as a supplementary resource to aid the electrical designer of record in making on-the-fly changes, or to provide engineering assistance in areas where the original design is not yet fully complete.
  • In-house 3D Project Coordination, allowing all of the MEP trades to work through the details of component placement before construction begins. This process clarifies each contractor’s space requirements to avoid costly and unnecessary delays resolving component clashes once construction is underway.
  • Value Engineering as a means of cost containment and reduction, offering the building owner cost flexibility without compromising functionality or impacting the original design considerations.
  • Project Management and Estimating Services that can leverage past experience with specific electrical systems, or specific owner needs/requirements to fine tune the installation process to meet current expectations and future needs.